Discover The 7 Master Step System To Make Deep And Lasting Changes In Conversation
Have you ever felt that your mind dominates you and does not let you enjoy?
Have you ever thought that controlling your thoughts is impossible?
Are you looking for a way to manage your emotions?
This is for you if:
You are a smart search engine.
If you are open to discovering how to free yourself from fears, prejudices, anxieties, what-you-want-cannot-be-can, doubts and internal and external disapprovals.
And, above all, if you are one of those who yearn to give direction and meaning to your life.
José Luis Sampedro said: «The art of living is to become who you are. I, like everyone, have a duty to be what I am. But I am nobody without the others. Making ourselves, knowing how to be with others: probably in this lies the ultimate meaning of life and the destiny of all good Direction.
ATTENTION: There are only 30 places available, so they will be assigned in order of reservation.
Date and Time:
Saturday June 2, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Fluvià Street No. 1 Low, 07009 Palma
Mallorca Office
Sign up now at: MASTER OF YOUR MIND