Tachi Leoz


Mallorca Office is synonymous with union, of synergy between heart, body and soul, a locomotor system that propels us forward or that keeps our feet anchored to the ground to withstand hard blows, when necessary.

Each of our clients becomes part of our team and each member of our team is part of this locomotor system. Sometimes we are wholehearted and we do wonderful tasks, but we lack the firmness of a body that carries them, to give impetus to what we want to convey. Sometimes we have to look around us and find a helping hand.

Union make force

With the help of Federico Sarnovich, we want to present you the new Tachi Leoz website www.tachileoz.com, an example of the synergy that has been produced in our co-working space, an impeccable cooperation work and one more sample of what the The union makes the force. For this work carried out and for the result obtained, we are proud to be able to facilitate the magic that occurs between the walls of our facilities.

We hope that collaborations continue to emerge and we can move forward, as we put every part of our heart, body and soul to all the intentions that make the future of our team prosper. You are the soul of our center and this is its essence.

25/02/2021 Categories: OfficeWeb
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